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1:10 School District Legal Status

1:20 District Organization Operations Cooperative Agreements

1:20-AP Checklist for Handling Intergovernmental Agreement Requests

1:30 School District Philosophy

1:30-AP School District Philosophy and Mission

2:10 School District Governance

2:20 Powers and Duties of the School Board Indemnification

2:20-E Waiver and Modification Request Resource Guide

2:30 School Board Elections

2:40 Board Member Qualifications

2:50 Board Member Term of Office

2:60 Board Member Removal from Office

2:70 Vacancies on School Board Filling Vacancies

2:70 E Checklist for Filling Board Vacancies by Appointment

2:80 Board Member Oath and Conduct

2:80-E Board Member Code of Conduct

2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest

2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban

2:110 Qualifications Terms and Duties of Board Officers

2:120 Board Member Development

2:120-E1 Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a New School Board Member

2:120-E2 Website Listing of Development and Training Completed by Board Members

2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses

2:125-E1 Board Member Expense Reimbursement Form

2:125-E2 Board Member Estimated Expense Approval Form

2:125-E3 Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements

2:130 Board Superintendent Relationship

2:140 Communications to and From the Board

2:140-E Guidance for Board Member Communications, Including Email Use

Communications Outside of a Properly Noticed Board Meeting

When Must Email Be Retained?

Non-Record Messages

Official Record Messages

2:150 Committees

2:150-AP Superintendent Committees

Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease Program Task Force

Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease Review Team

Employee Drug Abuse Committee

Title I Advisory Committee

Sex Equity Committee

2:160 Board Attorney

2:160-E Checklist for Selecting a Board Attorney

2:170 Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services

2:170-AP Qualification Based Selection

Criteria for Ranking Firms

2:200 School Board Meeting Procedure

2:200-AP Types of School Board Meetings

2:210 Organizational School Board Meeting

2:220 School Board Meeting Procedure

2:220-AP School Board Meeting Procedure

2:220-E1 Board Treatment of Closed Meeting Verbatim Recordings and Minutes

2:220-E2 Motion to Adjourn to Closed Meeting

2:220-E3 Log of Closed Meeting Minutes

2:220-E4 Open Meeting Minutes

2:220-E5 Semi Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes

2:220-E6 Log of Closed Meeting Minutes

2:220-E7 Access to Closed Meeting Minutes and Verbatim Recordings

2:220-E8 School Board Records Maintenance Requirements and FAQs

2:220-E9 2 220 E9 Requirements for No Physical Presence of Quorum and Participation by Audio or Video During Disaster Declaration

2:230 Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board

2:230-E Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board

2:240 Board Policy Development

2:240-E1 PRESS Issue Updates

2:240-E2 Developing Local Policy

2:240-E3 Policy Manual Updates

2:250 Access to Districts Public Records - Freedom of Information Act

2:250-AP1 Access To and Copying of District Public Records

2:250-AP2 Protocols Record Preservations Development of Retention Schedules

2:250-E1 Written Request for District Public Records

2:250-E2 Immediately Available District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records

2:250-E3 Inspection Report for District Records

2:260 Uniform Greivance Procedure

2:260-AP1 Guidelines for Investigating Complaints Filed Under Policy 2 260, Uniform Grievance Procedure, and Allegations of Misconduct

2:260-AP2 Nondiscrimination Coordinator and Complaint Manager

2:265 Uniform Title IX Grievance Procedure

2:265-AP1 Title IX Sexual Harassment Response

2:265-AP2 Formal Title IX Complaint Grievance Process

2:265-E Title IX Sexual Harassment Glossary of Terms

2:270 Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited

2:270-AP Prevention and Response Program for Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment Based on Race, Color, and National Origin

3:10 Goals and Objectives

3:30 Line and Staff Relations

3:30-AP Line and Staff Relations

3:30-AP2 Executive Secretarial Employment

3:40 Superintendent

3:40-AP3 Superintendent Evaluation Timeline

3:40-E Checklist for the Superintendent Employment Contract Negotiation Process

3:50 Administrative Personnel Other than the Superintendent

3:50-AP1 Administrative Compensation

Administrative Benefits/Insurance

Unused Earned Absence

3:50-AP2 Vacation Procedure

3:50-AP3 Administrators' Sick Leave

3:50-AP4 Residency Expectations Requirement Form

3:60 Administrative Responsilities of Building Principal

3:60-E Event Reporting and Notice Requirements for Building Principals Concerning School Safety and Securit

3:70 Succession of Authority

3:70-AP Succession Plan


Building Principal

3:90 Administrative Insurance and Non Union Secretaries

4:10 Fiscal and Business Management

4:10-AP Budget Planning Rules and Regulation

Preparation of the Budget

4:15 Identity Protection

4:15-AP1 Protecting the Privacy of Social Security Numbers

4:15-E1 Letter to Employees Regarding the Protection of the Privacy Regarding the Protection of Social Security Numbers

4:15-E2 Statement of Purpose for Collecting Social Security Numbers

4:15-E3 Statement for Employee Manual or District Website Describing the District's Purpose for Collecting Social Security Numbers

4:15-AP Protecting the Privacy of Social Security Numbers

4:15-AP2 Treatment of Personally Identifiable Information Under Grant Awards

4:20 Fund Balances

4:30 Revenue and Investments

4:30-AP Revenues From Tax Sources/Tax Abatement

Revenues From Tax Sources

Tax Abatement

4:40 Incurring Debt

4:40 AP Preparing and Updating Disclosures

4:45 Insufficient Funds Checks

4:45-AP1 Insufficient Fund Checks

4:45-AP2 Local Debt Recovery Program Implementation Procedures

4:45-E1 Cover Page Documenting the Process to Seek Offset from the Office of the Comptroller

4:45-E2 Notice of Claim and Intent to Seek Debt Recovery; Challenge; and Response to Challenge

4:50 Payment Procedures

4:50-E Payment Procedures

4:55 Use of Credit and Procurement Cards

4:55-E Cardholders Statement Affirming Familiarity with Use of Credit Cards

4:55-AP 4 55 AP Controls for the Use of District Credit and Procurement Cards

4:60 Purchases

4:60-AP1 Purchases

4:60-AP2 Third Party Non-Instructional Contracts

4:60-AP3 Criminal History Records Check of Contractor Employees

4:60-AP4 Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR) of Contractor Employees

4:60-AP5 Federal and State Award Procurement Procedures

4:60-E Notice to Contractors

4:70 Resource Conservation

4:70-AP Resource Conservation

4:80 Accounting and Audits

4:80-AP1 Checklist for Internal Controls

4:80-AP2 Fraud Waste and Abuse Awareness Program

4:80-AP3 Inventory Management For Federal and State Awards

4:85 District Capitalization Threshold

4:90 Student Activity and Fiduciary Funds

4:90-AP Student Activity Fund Management and Ticket Sales

Fees And Regulations Concerning Athletic Ticket Sales and Admissions

4:90-AP2 Procedure for Handling and Collecting Money

4:100 Insurance Management

4:100-AP1 Workers' Compensation

4:100-E1 Employee Weekly Questionaire

4:100-E2 Site Safety Interview Report

4:100-E3 Witness Form

4:110 Transportation

4:110-AP1 School Bus Post-Accident Checklist

4:110-AP2 Bus Driver Com Devices Pre Trip and Post Inspection Comments

Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspections

Bus Driving Comments

4:110-AP3 School Bus Safety Rules

4:110-E Emergency Medical Information for Students Having Special Needs of Medical Conditions Who Ride School Buses

4:120 Food Services

4:120-AP Food Services Competitive Food Exemptions

Food and Beverages Sold to Student in Grades 8 or Below

Competitive Foods

4:130 Free and Reduced Price Food Services

4:130-E Free and Reduced Price Food Services Meal Charge Notifications

4:140 Waiver of Student Fees

4:140-AP Fines, Fees, and Charges – Waiver of Student Fees

Student Fees

Annual Public Announcement

Letter to Parents

Public Release

Application Procedure

Appeal Procedures

4:140-E1 Application for Fee Waiver

4:140-E2 Application for Fee Waiver Based on Federal Free Meals Program

4:140-E3 Response to Application for Fee Waiver, Appeal, and Response to Appeal

4:140-E4 Resolution to Increase Driver Education Fees

4:150 Facility Management and Building Program

4:160 Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds

4:160-AP Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds

Pesticide Application

Training and Necessary Equipment

Substitute Non-Hazardous Materials

Infectious Materials

Emergency Response Plan


4:165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behavior

4:170 Safety

Safety and Security

School Safety Drill Plan

Soccer Goal Safety

Emergency Closing

4:170-AP1 Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan

A. Safety and Security-Related Administrative Procedures and Forms

B. Definitions

C. District Safety Coordinator and Safety Team; Responsibilities

D. Safety Team Meetings

E. Annual Safety Review

F. School Safety Drill Plan

G. School Emergency Operations Plan (School EOP)

H. Material to be Included in Each School EOP

I. Managing Communications During and About an Emergency or Crisis

J. Required Notices

K. Resources

Attachment - School Emergency Operations Plan Format

4:170-AP2 Routine Communications Concerning Safety and Security

4:170-AP2-E1 Letter to Parents Guardians Regarding Student Safety

4:170-AP2-E2 Letter to Parents Guardians Regarding the Dangers of Underage Drinking

4:170-AP2-E3 Letter to Parents/Guardians About Disruptive Social Media Apps; Dangers

4:170-AP2-E4 Letter to Parents/Guardians About Preventing and Reducing Incidences of Sexting

4:170-AP2-E5 Notice to Parents Guardians of Lockdown Drill Opt

4:170-AP2-E6 Letter to Parents Guardians About Safe Firearm Storage

4:170-AP3 School Bus Safety Rules

4:170-AP4 National Terrorism Advisory System

4:170-AP5 Unsafe School Choice Option

Unsafe School Choice Option Available to Any Student Who is a Victim of a Violent Criminal Offense Occurring on School Grounds During Regular School Hours or During a School-Sponsored Event

4:170-AP6 Plan for Responding to a Medical Emergency at a Physical Fitness Facility with an AED

4:170-AP6-E1 School Staff AED Notification Letter

4:170-AP6-E2 Notification to Staff and Parents/Guardians of CPR and AED Video

4:170-AP8 Movable Soccer Goal Safety

4:170-AP9 Emergency Closing and Cancellation of Sponsored Functions

4:170-AP12 Inclement Weather Remote Instructional Day

4:170-E1 Accident Form

4:170-E2 Memo to Staff Members Regarding Contacts By Media About a Crisis

4:170-E4 Letter to Parents Regarding Student Safety

4:170-E6 Automatic External Defibrillator Incident Report

4:170-E7 Annual School Safety Review

4:170-E8 Informing Parents About Offender Community Notification Laws

4:175 Convicted Child Sex Offender; Screening; Notifications

4:175-AP1 Criminal Offender Notification Laws; Screening

4:175-AP1 E1 Informing Parents/Guardians About Offender Community Notification Laws

4:180 Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and RecoveryPrepardness

4:180-AP1 School Action Steps for Pandemic Influenza or Other Virus Disease

Prior to Outbreak/Preparedness and Planning Phase

Outbreak of Flu Disease

Expansion of the Outbreak

Continued Expansion of the Outbreak

Following the Outbreak

4:180-AP2 Pandemic Influenza Surveillance and Reporting

4:180-AP3 4 180 AP3 Grant Flexibility; Payment of Employee Salaries During a Pandemic

4:190 Target school Violence Prevention Program

4:190-AP1 Target school Violence Prevention Program

4:190-AP1-E1 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program Resources

4:190-AP2 Threat Assessment Team

4:190-AP2-E1 Principles of Threat Assessment

4:190-AP2-E2 Threat Assessment Documentation

4:190-AP2-E3 Threat Assessment Key Areas and Questions Examples

4:190-AP2-E4 Responding to Types of Threats

4:190-AP2-E5 Threat Assessment Case Management Strategies

4:190-AP2-E6 Targeted School Violence Prevention and Threat Assessment Education

5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment

5:10-AP Workplace Accommodations for Nursing Mothers

5:10-AP1 Equal Employment Opportunity Under Title IX

5:10-AP2 Recruitment and Hiring of Minority Employees

5:10-E1 Title IX Grievance Form

5:10-E2 Title IX Appeal Form

5:20 Workplace Harrassment Prohibited

5:20-AP Sample Questions for Conducting the Internal Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Investigation

5:20-E Resolution to Prohibit Sexual Harassment

5:20-E1 Sexual Harassment Complaint Form

5:20-E2 Sexual Harassment Witness Disclosure Form

5:22 Staff-Student Relations and Ethics

5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria

5:30-AP1 Interview Questions

5:30-AP2 Investigations

Immigration Investigation

Criminal History Records Check

Reporting New Hires

Professional Hiring Process

Student Teachers


Report New Hires

5:30-AP2 E1 Notice of Preliminary Hiring Decision Based on Conviction Record

5:30-AP2 E2 Notice of Final Hiring Decision Based on Conviction Record

5:30-AP3 Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR)

5:30-AP3 E EHR Letter to Applicant's Current/Former Employer

5:33 Criteria for Employment into Educational Support Personnel Positions

5:35 Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act

5:35-AP1 Fair Labor Standards Act Exemptions

5:35-AP2 Employee Records Required by the Fair Labor Standard Act

5:35-AP3 Compensable Work Time for Non-Exempt Employees Under the FLSA

5:35-AP4 Fair Labor Standards Act 12-Step Compliant Checklist

5:35-E Volunteer Agreement Executed by a Non-Exempt Employee

5:40 Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease

5:40-AP Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease

Evaluation of the Employee's Condition

Monitoring Employee's Condition

Employee Dismissal


5:50 Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition

5:52 Employee Substance Posession and Abuse

5:60 Expenses

5:60-E1 Employee Expense Reimbursement Form

5:60-E2 Employee Estimated Expense Approval Form

5:62 District Cell Telephones District Vehicles

5:70 Religious Holidays

5:80 Court Duty

5:82 Leave and Absence Policies Applying to All Employees

5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

5:90-AP1 Coordination with Children’s Advocacy Center

5:90-AP2 Parent Guardian Notification of Sexual Misconduct

5:100 Staff Development Program

5:100-AP Staff Development Program

5:100-AP1 Professional Improvement/Education Support Staff

5:100-AP2 Staff Conferences and Meetings

5:100-E2 Subject Approval Form

5:100-E3 Salary Adjustment Request

5:110 Recognition for Service

5:115 Recognition of Attendance

5:120 Ethics Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest

5:120-AP1 Statement of Economic Interests for Employees

5:120-AP2 Employee Conduct Standards

5:120-AP2-E Expectations and Guidelines for Employee Student Boundaries

5:120-E Code of Ethics for Illinois Educators

5:125 Personal Technology and Social Media Usage and Conduct

5:125-E Employee Receipt of Board Policy on Personal Technology and Social Media

5:130 Responsiblities Concerning Internal Information

5:130-AP Email Retention

Non-Record Messages

Official Record Messages

5:131 Staff Dress Code

5:140 Solicitations By or From Staff

5:150 Personnel Records

5:150-AP Personnel Records

5:170 Copyright

5:170-AP1 Copyright Compliance

5:170-AP2 Seeking Permission to Copy or Use Copyrighted Works

5:170-AP3 Instructional Materials and Computer Programs Developed Within the Scope of Employment

5:170-AP4 Designation of District Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Agent; Registration Process

5:170-E1 Request to Reprint or Adapt Material

5:180 Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity

5:182 Modified Work Assignment

5:182-AP Modified Work Assignment

5:185 Family and Medical Leave

5:185-AP Resource Guide for Family and Medical Leave

5:190 Teacher Qualifications

5:190-E1 Notice to Parents of their Right to Request their Child's Classroom Teachers' Qualifications

5:190-E2 Notice to Parents When their Child is Assigned to or Has Been For at Least Four Straight Weeks by a Teacher Who Does Not Meet Applicable State Certification/Licensure Requirements

5:190-E3 Letter to Teacher Who Does Not Meet Applicable State Certification/Licensure Requirements for the Grade Level and Subject Area of Assignment

5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal

Duty-Free Lunch

School Year and Day, Salary, Dismissal

Reduction in Force

Seniority Tie-Breakers

Assignments and Transfers

Extra-Curricular Assignments


Professional Personnel Assessment

Assessment Document

Evaluation Cycle

Review of Evaluation - Second Assessment

Remediation Plan

Assessment System for Regular Classroom Teachers

Assessment System for Title I Teachers

Assessment System for Special Education Teachers

Assessment System for Guidance Counselors

Assessment System for Nurses

Previous Teaching and Experience Credit

Outside Vocational Experience Credit

5:202 Summer School and Evening Academy Employment Policy

5:210 Resignations

5:210-AP1 Health Insurance for retirees prior to Age 65

5:210-AP2 Early Retirement

5:210-E Letters of Employment

5:220 Substitute Employees

5:220-AP Substitute Employees

5:220-E Unsatisfactory Performance Report Substitute Teachers

5:230 Maintaining Student Discipline

5:240 Suspension

5:240-AP Suspensions

5:250 Leaves of Absence

5:250-AP School Visitation Leave

5:250-AP2 Leaves of Absence

5:250-AP3 Fringe Benefits

Health and Life Insurance Plan

Emergency Leave

Sick Leave

Deductions for Sick Leave, Emergency Leave, and Personal Leave

5:260 Student Teachers

5:270 Employment at Will Compensation and Assignment

5:270-E Notice of Employment

5:280 Duties and Qualification

5:285 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers

5:285-AP Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers

5:290 Employment Termination Suspensions

5:300 Schedules and Employment Year

5:310 Compensatory Time Off

5:310-E Agreement to Receive Compensatory Time Off

5:320 Evaluation

5:320-E Classified Assessment Form

5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves

5:330-E1 Sick Leave Reserve

5:330-AP3 Sick Leave Reserve

6:10 Educational Philosophy and Objectives

6:15 School Accountability

6:15-AP School Choice and Supplemental Education Services

6:15-AP1 Consequences for a SCHOOL Missing Adequate Yearly Progress

After FIRST Year of Missing AYP

After SECOND Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

After THIRD Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

After FOURTH Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

After FIFTH Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

After SIXTH Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

6:15-AP2 Consequences for a District Missing Adequate Yearly Progress

Each Year that the District Misses AYP

After SECOND Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

After THIRD Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

After FOURTH Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

After FIFTH Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

After SIXTH Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

After Seventh Consecutive Year of Missing AYP

6:15-AP3 School Choice for Students Enrolled in a School Identified for Improvement, Corrective Action, or Restructuring


Criteria for Selecting Choice Recipient School

Priority for Selecting Students Who Request a Transfer

Preparing to Offer Choice

Offering Choice

6:15-AP4 Compliance Steps for Providing Supplemental Educational Services



Initial Administrative Steps

Determine Which Students Will be Offered SES

Parent Involvement

Executing the Parent’s Choice of SES Provider

Evaluating SES Providers


6:15-E2 Notice to Parents of Children Enrolled in a School that Missed AYP for Two or More Consecutive Years

What was the Reason for the Identification?

What is the School doing in Order to Improve?

How Can Parents/Guardians Become Involved in Addressing Academic Issues?

What is the School Choice Transfer Option?

What is the Option for Supplemental Education Services (SES)?

6:15-E3 Application for School Choice Transfer Option

6:15-E4 Application for Supplemental Education Services

6:20 School Year Calendar and Day

6:20-AP Remote and or Blended Remote Learning Day Plan(s)

6:30 Organization of Instruction

6:40 Curriculum Development

6:40-AP Curriculum Development

Faculty Committee

Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines

6:50 School Wellness

6:50-AP2 Wellness Procedures

6:50-E School Wellness

6:60 Curriculum Content

6:60-AP1 Comprehensive Health Education Program

6:60-AP2 6 60 AP2 Comprehensive Personal Health and Safety on Sexual Health Education Program (Nationa Sexual Education Standards (NSES))

6:60- AP1 E1 Notice to Parents Guardians of Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Education Requests to Examine Materials Written Objections and or Opt out

6:60-E2 Class Attendance Waiver Request

6:60-E3 Request to Examine Instructional Material

6:60-AP1-E2 Resources for Biking and Walking Safety Education

6:60-AP3 Developmentally Appropropriate Consent Educations

6:60-AP4 Independent Reading Program

6:65 Student Social and Emotional Developments

6:70 Teaching About Religions

6:70-AP Teaching About Religions

6:80 Teaching About Controversial Issues

6:90 Kindergarten

6:100 Using Animals in the Educational Program

6:100-AP Dissection of Animals

6:100-E Guidelines and Application for Using Animals in School Facilities

6:100-E2 Student Permission for Exposure to Animal

6:110 Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure or Dropping

6:120 Education of Children with Disabilities

6:120-AP1 Special Education Procedures Assuring the Implementation of Comprehensive Programming for Children with Disabilities

Identification of Disabled Children – Public Awareness

Identification of Disabled Children – Screening

Identification of Disabled Children – Referral

Evaluation of Disabled Children

Placement of Disabled Children

Instructional Programs

Resource and Support Services

Due Process

Temporary Special Education Records

6:120-AP1-E1 Notice to Parents/Guardians Regarding Section 504 Rights

6:120-AP1-E2 Special Education Required Notice and Consent Forms

6:120-AP2 Access to Classrooms and Personnel

6:120-AP2-E1 Request to Access Classrooms of Personnel Special Education Evaluation and/or Observation Purposes

6:120-AP3 Service Animals

6:120-AP3 E1 Request for Service Animal to Accompany Student in School Facilities

6:120-AP4 Care of Students with Diabetes

6:130 Program of the Gifted

6:135 Accelerated Placement Program Procedures

6:135-AP Accelerated Placement Program Procedures

6:140 Education of Homeless Children

6:140-AP Education of Homeless Children

6:145 Migrant Students

6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction

6:150-AP Home and Hospital Instruction

Acute (short term)

Amount of Service

Recruitment of Teachers

Chronic Cases

Chronic (long term)

Chronic Infectious Disease

Interim Special Education Services

Other Appropriate Special Educational Placement

Parent Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibilities (Assigned Home Teachers)

Principal (Grades 1 – 5) Counselor (Grades 6 – 12) Responsibilities

Hospital Instruction

Staff Recruitment

Parent Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibilities (Assigned Hospital Teachers)

Principal (Grades K – 5) Counselor Responsibilities (Grade 6 – 12)

Instruction Calendar

Substitute Compensation (Home Instruction)

Compensation for Teachers Employed By Other Districts

Grading and Reporting

Credits (High School Only)

Maintenance Program

Alternative Home Hospital Instructional Program


IAHP Program

Parent/Student Collaboration

Questions to be Considered


6:160 English Language Learners

6:170 Title I Programs

6:170-AP1 Checklist for Development Implementation and Mainteance of Parent and Family Engaged Compacts for Title I Programs

6:170-AP1-E1 District-Level Parent and Family Engagement Compact

6:170-AP1-E2 School-Level Parent and Family Engagement Compact

6:170-AP2 Notice to Parents Required by Elementary and Secondary Education McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance, and Protection of Pupil Rights

6:170-AP2-E1 District Annual Report Card Required by Every Student Succeeds Act

6:170-AP3 No Child Left Behind Checklist

6:170-E1 District-Level Parental Involvement Compact

6:170-E2 School-Level Parental Involvement Compact

Parent/Guardian Involvement

Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement

Building Capacity for Involvement

6:180 Extended Instructional Programs

6:180-AP Summer School

6:185 Remote Educational Program

6:190 Extra Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities

6:190-AP Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular Activities

6:200 Instructional Arrangments

6:210 Instructional Materials

6:210-E Media Exclusion Form

6:220 Bring Your Own Technology Program

6:220-AP Textbook Selection

6:220-E1 Authorization to Participate in the Bring Your Own Technology BYOT Program Responsible Use and Conduct Agree

6:220-E2 Bring Your Own Technology Program Student Guidelines

6:230 Library Media Program

6:230-AP Responding to Complaints About Library Media Resources

6:230-AP E Library Media Resource Objection Form

6:230-AP1 Complaints on Library and Resource Materials

Secondary School (Grades 6 – 12)

Elementary School (Grades K – 5)


6:230-AP2 School Library Bill of Rights

6:230-AP3 List of Selection Tools Used in Granite City C.U.S.D. #9 School Libraries





6:230-E Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Materials

6:235 Access to Electronic Networks

6:235-AP1 Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks

Terms and Conditions

Use of Electronic Mail

Internet Safety

6:235-AP2 Web Publishing Guidelines

General Requirements

Publishing Expectations

Protecting Student and Staff Privacy

Submitting Material to be Published

Different Levels of Web Publication

Department Level

School Level

Staff Level

Student Level

6:235-AP3 District #9 Password Procedure



Password Construction Guidelines

Password Protection Guidelines


6:235-AP4 Keeping Yourself and Kids Safe on Social Networks

6:235 AP1-E1 Student Authorization for Access to the District's Electronic Networks

6:235-AP1-E2 Staff Authorization for Access to the District's Electronic Networks

6:235-E3 Online Privacy Statement

Network Traffic Logs

Web – Visit Logs


Information Voluntarily Provided by You

Web Links to Non – District Sites

6:235-E4 Keeping Yourself and Your Kids Safe on Social Networks

6:235-E5 Children's Online Privacy Protecion Act

6:240 Field Trips

6:240-AP Field Trip Guidelines

6:240-AP1 Field Trip Regulations

6:250 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers

6:250-AP Resource Persons and or School Volunteers


Persons Not Allowed to Serve as Volunteers



Selection, Placement, and Supervision




6:250-E Resource Person/Volunteer Information Form and Waiver of Liability

6:250-E2 Local Criminal History Background Investigation Request Form

6:255 Assemblies and Ceremonies

6:260 Complaints about Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs

6:260-AP Request for Re-Evaluation of Instructional Materials

6:260-AP-E Curriculum Objection Form

6:270 Guidance and Counseling Program

6:280 Grading and Promotion

6:280-AP Evaluating and Reporting Student Achievement

6:280-AP1 Grading

Reporting to Parents

Promotion, Retention, and Remediation (Elementary and Middle School levels)

6:280-AP2 Semester Exam Policy

6:280-AP3 Grade Point Average Recognition and Class Rank Policy

6:280-AP4 Promotion and Retention of Students

Elementary Schools (K – 6)



Grade 1 – 6

Junior High (7 – 8)

Senior High (9 – 12)

6:290 Homework

6:300 Graduation Requirements

6:300-AP1 Pupil Graduation/Termination from Community Unit School District #9

6:300-AP2 Participation of Students With Disabilities in Graduation Ceremony/Certificate of Completion

6:300-AP3 Presentation of High School Diplomas

6:300-E1 Application for a Diploma for a Service Member Killed in Action or for Veterans of WW II, The Korean COnflict, or the Vie

6:300-E2 State Law Graduation Requirements

6:300-E3 Form for Exemption from Financial Aid Application Completion

6:300-E4 Graduation Certfiication of Completion

6:310 High School Credit for Non District Experiences Course Substitutions Re-Entering Students

6:310-AP Physical Education Waiver

6:310-E Class Substitution Request

6:315 High School Credit for Students in Grade 7 or 8

6:320 Credit for Proficiency

6:330 Achievement and Awards

6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Programs

6:340-AP Group Testing Program




Handling of Test Information

Test Administration

7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities

7:10-AP Student Goals

7:10-AP1 Accommodating Transgender, Nonbinary, or Gender Nonconforming Students

7:10-AP2 Accommodating Breastfeeding Students

7:10-E Equal Educational Opportunities Within the School Community


7:15 Student and Family Privacy Rights

7:15 Notification to Parents of Family Privacy Rights

7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited

7:20-AP Harassment of Students Prohibited

7:30 Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer

7:30-AP1 School District Attendance Center Boundaries

7:30-AP2 School District Attendance Center Boundaries by Street

7:30-AP3 School District Attendance Center Boundaries-Secondary

7:40 Nonpublic School Students Including Parochial and Home Schooled Students

7:40-AP Placement of Nonpublic School Students Transferring into the District

7:50 School Admissions and Student Transfers to and from Non-District Schools

7:50-AP School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools

Transferring In

Transferring Out

7:50-AP2 Exchange Students

Admission of Non – Immigrant Students

Granite City Students Involved in Foreign Exchange

Record Keeping Procedures

7:50-E1 Foreign Exchange Student Admission Agreement

7:50-E2 Foreign Exchange Student Admission Agreement

7:60 Residence

7:60-AP1 Challenging a Student’s Residence Status

7:60-AP2 Establishing Student Residency

7:60-AP2-E1 Letter of Residence from Landlord in Lieu of Lease

7:60-AP2-E2 Letters of Residence to be used when the Person Seeking to Enroll a Student is Living with a District Resident

7:60-AP2-E3 Evidence of Non-Parent’s Custody, Control, and Responsibility of a Student

7:70 Attendance and Truancy

7:80 Release Time for Religious Instruction Observance

7:90 Release During School Hours

7:100 Health and Dental Examinations and Exclusion of Students

7:130 Student Rights and Responsibilities

7:140 Search and Seizure

7:140-AP Use of Metal Detectors for Student Safety

7:140-E Letter to Parents / Guardians Regarding the Right to Privacy in the School Setting Act

7:150 Agency and Police Interviews

7:150-AP Agency and Police Interviews

Interviews by School Resource Office

Interviews by Police Offices other than the School Resource Office (concerning non-school related events)

Interviews by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)

7:150-E1 Police Department – Student Interview Authorization

7:150-E2 Police Department – Student Removal Authorization

7:150-E3 Department of Children and Family Services Student Interview Authorization

7:150-E4 Department of Children and Family Services Student Removal Authorization

7:150-E5 Agency-Student Interview Authorization

7:160 Student Appearance

7:160-AP Code of Dress

7:160 E Indigent Application

7:160-R Code of Dress Resolution

7:165 Student Identification

7:165-AP Student Identification

7:170 Vandalism

7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

7:180-AP1 Prevention, Identification, Investigation, and Response to Bullying

7:180-AP1 E1 Resource Guide for Bullying Prevention

7:180-AP1 E2 Be a Hero by Reporting Bullying and School Violence

7:180-AP1 E3 Memo to Staff Regarding Bullying

7:180-AP1 E4 Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Bullying and School Violence

7:180-AP1 E5 Report Form for Bullying

7:180-AP1 E6 Interview Form for Bullying Investigation

7:180-AP1 E7 Response to Bullying

7:185 Teen Dating Violence Prohibited

7:185-E Exhibit Memo to Parents Guardians Regarding Teen Dating Violence

7:190 Student Behavior

7:190-AP1 Student Handbook-Hazing Prohibited

7:190-AP2 Student Handbook – Gang Activity Prohibited

7:190-AP3 Guidelines for Reciprocal Reporting of Criminal Offenses Committed by Student

7:190-AP4 7 190 AP4 Use of Isolated Time Out and Physical Restraint

7:190-AP5 Student Handbook Electronic Devices

Electronic Signaling Devices

Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices

7:190-AP6 Guidelines for Investigating Sexting Allegations

7:190-AP7 Student Discipline Guidelines

7:190-AP8 Student Re Engagement Guidelines

7:190-AP9 Administrative Transfer to Regional Safe School Program

7:190-E1 Aggressive Behavior Reporting Letter and Form

7:190-E2 Student Handbook Checklist

7:190-E3 General Law Enforcement & School Resource Officer Memorandum of Understanding

7:190-E4 Student Handbook Checklist

7:200 Suspension Procedures

7:200-E1 Short Term Out of School Suspension 1-3 Days Reporting Form

7:200-E2 Long Term Out-of-School Suspension 4-10 Days Reporting Form

7:210 Expulsion Procedures

7:210-E1 Notice of Expulsion Hearing

7:215 Completion of Entire Term of Suspension or Expulsion

7:220 Bus Conduct

7:220-AP Use of Video Cameras on School Buses

Review of Videotapes

Student Conduct

7:230 Misconduct by Students with Disabilities

7:230-AP Misconduct by Students with Disabilities

Special Education Suspension Procedures

Special Education Expulsion Procedures

Weapon and Drug Offenses

Change of Placement if Maintenance of Current Placement is Likely to Result in Injury

7:240 Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities

7:240-AP1 Code of Conduct for Extracurricular Activities

7:240-AP2 Extracurricular Drug and Alcohol Testing Program

7:240-AP2 E1 Consent to Participate in Extracurricular Drug and Alcohol Testing Program

7:240-E Consent to Participate in Extracurricular Drug and Alcohol Testing Program

7:250 Student Support Services

7:250-AP1 Measures to Control the Spread of Head Lice at School

7:250-AP2 Protocol for Responding to Students with Social, Emotional, or Mental Health Problems

Student Support Committee



School Counseling, Social Work, and Psychological Services

Psycho-Educational Groups

School and Community Linkages

7:260 Exemption from Physical Education

7:270 Administering Medicines to Students

7:270-AP1 Dispensing Medication

7:270-AP2 Checklist for District Supply of Undesignated Medication(s)

7:270-E1 School Medication Authorization Form

7:270-E2 School Medication Authorization Form - Medical Cannabis

7:275 Orders to Forgo Life Sustaining Treatment

7:280 Communicable and Chronic Infectious Diseases

7:280-AP Managing Students with Communicable or Infectious Diseases

Managing Students with Communicable of Infectious Diseases

Managing a Student with a Communicable of Infectious Disease Who Demonstrates Behavior that Could Result In Infecting Other Students or Staff Members

General Post-Evaluation Procedures

7:280-E1 Placement of Students with AIDS

OCR Policy on the School Placement of Children with AIDS

Where Should Children with AIDS Be Educated

A Child with AIDS Has a Right to Section 504 Procedural Safeguards

A Child with AIDS Has a Right to Confidentiality

7:280-E2 Reporting and Exclusion Requirements for Common Communicable Diseases

7:280-E3 Prevention of Staphylococcal Infections for Schools

7:285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program

7:285-AP Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management

7:285-AP E Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan

7:290 Adolescent Suicide Awareness and Prevention Programs

7:290-AP Resource Guide for Implementation of Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Program

Identification of the At – Risk Student

Documentation Regarding the At – Risk Student

7:300 Extracurricular Athletics

7:300-AP1 Athletic Team Unscheduled Participation in Overnight Invitational Tournaments

Guidelines for the Trip

7:300-AP2 Individual Participation in Non-School I.H.S.A. Athletics

7:300-AP3 Sunday Practices by Athletic Teams

7:300-E1 Agreement to Participate

7:300-E2 Certificate of Physical Fitness for Participation in Athletics

7:300-E3 Authorization for Medical Treatment Form


7:300-E4 IHSA Preparticipation Exam

7:305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

7:305-AP Program for Managing Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

7:310 Restrictions on Publications; Elementary Schools

7:310-AP Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Publications

7:315 Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non School Sponsored Publications High Schools

7:315-AP Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Publications

7:325 Student Fund Raising Activities

7:325-AP Request for Fundraising Activity

7:325-E Application and Procedures to Solicit Students for Fundraising

7:330 Student Use of Buildings Equal Access

7:330-AP Student Use of Buildings and Equal Access

7:330-E Application for Student Groups that Are Not School Sponsored to Request Free Use of School Premises

7:340 Student Records

7:340-AP1 Student Records

Student Records Defined

Maintenance of School Student Records

Access to Student Records

Orders of Protection

Directory Information

Student Record Challenges

7:340-AP2 Storage and Destruction of School Student Records

7:340-AP1 E1 Notice to Parents, Guardians, and Students of Their Rights Conerning a Students School Records

The Right to Inspect and Copy the Student’s Education records with 15 School Days of the Day the District Receives a Request for Access

The Right to Request the Amendment of the Student’s Education Records That the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) or Eligible Student Believes are Inaccurate, Misleading, Irrelevant, or Improper

The right to permit disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information Contained in the Student’s Education Records, Except to the Extent That the FERPA or Illinois School Student Records Act authorizes Disclosure Without Consent

The Right to a Copy of Any School Student Record Proposed to be Destroyed or Deleted

The Right to Prohibit the Release of Directory Information Concerning the Parent’s/Guardians’s Child

The Right to Request that Military Recruiters or Institutions of Higher Learning not be granted access to your secondary school student’s name, address, and telephone numbers without your prior written consent

The Right Contained in this Statement: No Person May Condition the Granting or Withholding of any right, Privilege or Benefits or Make as a Condition of Employment, Credit, or Insurance the Securing by Any Individual of Any Information from a Student’s Temporary Record Which Such Individual May Obtain Through the Exercise of Any Right Secured UnderState Law.

The Right to File a Complaint With the U.S. Department of Education Concerning Alleged Failures By the District to Comply With the Requirements of FERPA.

7:340-AP1-E2 Using a Photograph or Video Recording of a Student

7:340-AP1-E3 Letter to Parents and Eligible Students Concerning Military Recruiters and Postsecondary Institutions Receiving Student Directory Information

7:340-AP1-E4 Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Military Recruiter Access to Students and Student Information

7:340-AP1-E5 Biometric Information

7:340-AP2-E1 Letter Containing Schedule for Destruction of School Student Records

7:340-E6 Request for Release of Student Records

7:345 Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security

7:345-AP Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security

7:345-AP-E1 Student Covered Information Reporting Form

7:345-AP-E2 Student Data Privacy; Notice to Parents About Educational Technology Vendors

7:345-AP-E3 Parent Notification Letter for Student Data Breach

7:345-AP-E4 E4 Notice of Parent Rights Regarding Student Covered Information

7:345-AP-E5 Parent Request Form for Student Covered Information

7:345-AP-E6 Parent Request form for Correction of Student Covered Information

8:10 Connection with the Community

8:20 Community Use of School Facilities

8:20-AP Special Events Liability Coverage for Mississippi Valley Insurance Company and Use of Facility Fees




Schedule of Special Events Non-School Sponsored

Athletic Events

School Year

8:20-E1 Hold Harmless Agreement

8:20-E2 Application and Procedures for Use of School Facilities

8:25 Advertising and Distributing Materials in Schools Provided by Non-School Related Entities

8:25-AP Advertising and Distributing Materials in Schools Provided by Non-School Related Entities

Requests from Community, Educational, Charitable, Recreational Organizations, or other Similar Civic Groups

Requests from Commercial Companies to Advertise and/or Distribute Material

8:25-AP2 Advertising in the Schools

8:30 Visitors To and Conduct on School Property

8:30-AP Definition of Child Sex Offender

8:30-E1 Letter to Parent Regarding Visits to School by Child Sex Offenders

8:30-E2 Child Sex Offender’s Request for Permission to Visit School Property

8:40 Spectator Conduct at School Events

8:50 Visitors to the Schools

8:50-AP Rules Governing Visitors to Schools

8:60 Exclusive Bargaining Representative Agent

8:70 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities

8:80 Gifts to the District

8:90 Parent Organizations

8:95 Parental Involvement

8:95-AP Parental Involvement

Student Records


Parent – Teacher Advisory Committee

Curriculum Involvement

Conferences and Hearings

Report on Parental Involvement


Opportunities for Involvement as Provided in Board Policies

8:95-E1 Letter Notifying Parents of School Visitation Rights

School Visitation Rights Act



School Conference and Activity Leave




Employee Rights



Limits on Leave

8:95-E2 Verification of School Visitation

8:100 Relations with Other Organizations and Agencies

8:110 Public Suggestions and Concerns

8:120 Tuition Waiver Agreement CUSD #9 and Southwestern Illinois College

8:120-AP Tuition Waiver Policy – Southwestern Illinois College



Continuation of Tuition Waiver Award

Deadline for Submitting Application

Composition of Screening Committee

Guidelines For Screening Committee For Selecting Recipients of Tuition Waivers at Soughwestern Illinois College, Granite City Campus

8:130 Senior Citizens

8:130-AP Senior Citizens